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Living Soil
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Healthy soil is full of countless organisms. Think trillions and trillions in a handful and then realize the number is much higher than that. Healthy soil is the foundation of our farm. Read more about healthy soil and our commitment to protecting and improving our soil health.

Healthy Produce
Healthy Produce
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Healthy produce begins with healthy soil. It also includes growing practices that align with regenerative farming.

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Holistic Farming
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Our livestock enjoys daily fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and natural foods. Why does that matter?

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Step into the world of Regenerative Farming!

Regenerative farming offers an alternative agricultural system that combines the best of the old ways with today’s science. It shares some characteristics of organic farming, but differences exist as well. Organic farming has become primarily a set of rules imposed by the government to obtain or renew a certification. Regenerative farming is about improving the farm environment and quality of life for every living organism that calls it home.

Regenerative Farming

A holistic approach to agriculture that involves minimal tillage, cover crops, integrated livestock, crop diversity, maintaining living roots year round, and working with nature to protect and heal the environment.

Improved Soil Health

Regenerative farmers share a common goal of improving soil health. Examples include rotational grazing, cover crops, and reducing synthetic chemicals.

Increased Biodiversity

Regenerative agriculture involves careful planning to increase the variety of species of animals, plants, and insects on the farm.

Livestock Farming

In regenerative agriculture, animals play a crucial role as they fertilize the soil and help increase plant and microbial diversity.

Better Habitat

Regenerative farming seeks to heal and protect the habitat for all its residents. Reducing synthetic chemicals, protecting water sources, and preventing overgrazing results in better habitat for people and animals.

Climate Assistance

Regenerative agriculture practices can help the climate problems by a process called carbon sequestration.

Production Red hen from Ideal Poultry in Texas. They will be used to produce pastured eggs in a mobile coop.
Barred Rock hen from Ideal Poultry in Texas. They will be used in our compost making systems.


Inspired by Captain Matt and the Worm People, we have begun breeding red wiggler worms. We plan to use them for vermicomposting and improving our soil health.

Pastured Eggs

We are raising our first batch of Production Red laying hen chicks. They will provide us and others with healthy eggs. They will spend their days scratching for bugs and seeds in the fresh air and sunshine as they follow our sheep in temporary rotational paddocks.

Chicken compost

We are building two Geoff Lawton-style chicken compost systems. They will help us produce compost for our farm and for sale while enjoying a life of fresh air, sunshine, and plenty of manure, grass, and produce to scratch.

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